Design Team Role

The Design Team role can create Items, edit basic Item information, add Milestone and Item attachments, and have view-only access to most other information. By default, this role can see Markups allocated but not a breakdown of individual Markup line items. They cannot change costs or the status of an Item.

Default Role Permissions

Limit Access by Category: No

Cost Display Permissions

Hide All Costs: View Only - (Hide all costs disabled)

Markups Display Options: Markups allocated, Direct costs only

Cost Detail Permissions

Feature Permission
Milestone cost details View Only
Milestone Budget cost details View Only
Item/option cost details View Only
Markups subtotals View Only
Markups details None
Default Item Template (Settings) View Only
Owner costs None

Project Permissions

Project Settings

Feature Permission
Project details View Only
Categorizations View Only
Project units of measure View Only
Project currency / Rounding display View Only
Project terminology View Only

Project Administration

Feature Permission
Team / Teammates View Only
Project Roles, Permissions & Previews None
Timeline View Only

Report Permissions

Feature Permission
Shared reports View Only
Report distribution None
Report Notes Standard

Milestone Permissions

Feature Permission
Milestones View Only
Draft Milestones (created by others) None
Milestone Metrics View Only
Draft Estimates and Budgets (created by others) None
Milestone Attachments Standard

Items and Options Permissions

Feature Permission
Items, Item import, and Options Standard
Share draft items / scenarios Standard
Publish draft items/scenarios Standard
Item Number Standard
Item Status View Only
Assignees and Due Dates Admin
Draw activity (Contingencies & Allowances) None
Milestones and Events View Only
Categories Admin
Schedule impact View Only
Attachments Standard
Item Integrations View Only
Comments Standard




Note:  In older projects, this role may be referred to as Architect