Reports Overview

Join provides a powerful suite of reports to communicate the real-time status of your project to the project team.

Join offers a full suite of built-in reports plus the ability to create customized reports that can be shared with the rest of your team. Join utilizes real-time reporting, meaning reports instantly update anytime a change is made that would affect the data in the report. This saves time from having to rerun the same reports when after every change. Reports can also be downloaded at any time to create a snapshot in time or shared externally in real time.

Report Organization

The Reports page is organized into three main sections: My Reports, Shared With Me, and Built-In Reports.

My Reports

The My Reports category includes a list of all reports that you have created. As the creator of these reports, you have complete control over them and can modify them if needed. You may choose to keep these reports private to yourself or share them with the rest of your team. A private report can be changed to a shared report at any time.

Shared With Me

The Shared With Me category includes a list of all reports that other team members have created and shared. If a report is shared with you, you won’t have permission to save changes to the report, but you can modify it and save it as a new report.

Built-In Reports

The Built-In Reports category includes a list of curated reports that are included in every project in Join. These are great starting points for creating your own reports. Simply go to a built-in report, modify the filtering, grouping, and/or sorting, and then save it as a new report.

Accessing Reports

Saved reports can be accessed in several different ways.

Accessing Reports on the Reports Page

To the right of each saved report on the reports page, there are three options for accessing each report.

  1. Some reports can be exported to a spreadsheet (.xlsx) format by clicking the spreadsheet button
  2. Some reports can be exported to PDF format by clicking the print button
  3. All reports can be viewed in Join by clicking the Go button

Accessing Reports on Other Pages

Saved reports can be quickly toggled to by following these steps:

  1. Click the report button
  2. Select Switch to saved report
  3. Select the saved report you wish to view

Note: Using the report button will show you the reports that are the same type. For example, the Items list report button will show you Items list reports. 

Throughout the app, there are also links to quickly access some of the most used built-in reports. For example, on the Milestones page, there are links to the Milestone Report, Variance Report, and Items List.