Insights - Portfolio Insights

A segmented view of projects in Join and their trends

Projects Overview

The Total Construction volume (TCV) is the sum of the construction volume for all selected projects. The construction volume is calculated as the current milestone estimate total or target budget total, whichever is greater. You can pivot the pie charts to present the Cost of Projects or the # of Projects

Budget Gap by Project

You can view the top 10 selected projects with the largest budget gap. The budget gap is calculated as the active milestone budget minus the active milestone running total. Projects that have met their budget will not be displayed in the chart. 

Project Value by Location

You can view and take a snapshot of selected projects clustered by location. This location information is set and can be updated in the project settings page

Largest Movement - Last 30 Days

You can view the top three projects that have had the largest cost increases or decreases in the last 30 days. This cost trend is calculated by comparing each project's running total taking today's running total and comparing it to the running total from 30 days ago.