Learn how to work with markups and customize them to meet the needs of your project
Value Types
Lump Sum Markups
A lump sum markup is a fixed dollar amount. It doesn't change based on the estimate subtotal. If you enter a lump sum markup in your Milestone Estimate, it will not be inherited by Items in the Milestone Markups section of the Item estimate.
Percent Markups
A percent markup is a variable amount based on costs in the estimate (or budget). Item estimates will inherit percent markups from the Milestone Estimate of the Milestone it is currently assigned to.
Markup Type
Markups can be assigned a type, including Markup, Contingency, or Allowance, to separate and track different types of indirect costs. Contingencies and Allowances can be drawn from or added to using Items with the values being reported as adjustments on the Contingency and Allowance Report.
Adding Markups
To add a new markup to an estimate, click the +Add a Row button in the bottom bar of the markups table. After the row is added, enter the detailed information in each column.
Deleting Markups
To delete an existing markup from an estimate, select the checkbox in the far left column and then click the Delete Selected Rows button in the bottom bar of the markups table.
Reordering Markups
After markups are imported or added to an estimate, you can reorder them by hovering over the markup number and then clicking and dragging it to the preferred location in the list. Changing the order of a markup does not affect the calculation.
Applying Markups
Applying Markups to Subtotals and Other Markups
Markups need a subtotal(s) to reference before they can be applied. Markups can apply to the subtotal of direct costs (S1 in the estimate table), other markups, or the project total. When multiple values are selected to reference, your markup applies to the sum of the values chosen. To apply a markup to a subtotal, click the drop-down arrow in the Applies to... column, click on Subtotals and markups, and check the boxes for the applicable subtotals.
Note: By default, all lump sum markups are applied to the subtotal of direct costs (S1 in the estimate table), but percent markups must be applied manually every time.
Applying Markups to Selected Cost Types
Item Markups and Milestone Markups can calculate on cost type (Labor, Equipment, Materials, etc.) if the estimate section is broken out by cost type. To pivot an estimate's cost type breakdown, use the button in the header of the Total column in the estimate table and select the Breakdown by cost type (for imported estimates, this can also be selected during the final step of the import process). In the Applies to… column, you can select the applicable cost types for each markup to calculate on. For example, you may need to apply a Sales Tax markup only on Material costs.
Tip: You can set the breakdown type for Items with the Default Item Template on the Settings page.
Applying Markups to Selected Categories
Item Markups and Milestone Markups can calculate on and allocate to specific categories. In the Applies to… column, you can select the applicable categories for each markup to calculate on and allocate to by clicking the drop-down list, clicking on Categories, and selecting the applicable categories. Once a markup is applied to a category, a filled-in funnel will be displayed. For example, if you want to carry a contingency on structural steel, you can select MasterFormat 050000 - Metals from the drop-down list.
Filter Markups by Category
After applying a markup to a category, you can select whether or not you want to calculate on the full subtotal or filtered subtotal of other markups when they've been selected.
Filter markups by category enabled: Uses categories to filter the cost of selected percent markups when calculating. (Join default)
Filter markups by category disabled: Uses the total cost of selected percent markups when calculating. (Most estimating platforms calculate this way)
Allocating Markups
Individual markups can be selected to be allocated (distributed through other estimate costs) by checking the checkbox in the Allocate column of an estimate table and setting the markups display mode in the navigation panel to Show markups allocated. Where the costs of the selected markups will be allocated/distributed to will be based on the selection made in the Applies to... column.