Creating a Program

Want to combine multi-phase projects into a single dashboard? Learn how to combine multiple projects to create a program dashboard summary.

Creatre Program

Creating a Program

To combine projects into a Program, use the following steps:

  1. Click the + New Program button.
  2. Filter/search for the projects you wish to combine and click the check box next to each project.
  3. Click the Select and add Details button.
  4. Edit the Program details, including Program Name, Program Type, Program Location, and Main Program Image.
  5. Click the Create Program button.

Note: To create a Program, you must be a project administrator on at least two projects. 

image (2)


Sharing a Program

To share a Program with other project teammates, use the following steps:

  1. Click the + Share button at the top of the program dashboard.
  2. Select the Name(s) you wish to grant access to the Program. The list of people can be searched, sorted, and filtered. 
  3. Click the Share button. 


Note: Teammates will view the shared Program with their most restrictive Cost Mode across all projects in the Program.